Copying Diosdado Macapagal for 2022? Robredo: 'Mas malalayo, mahirap ang pinupuntahan ko!'

Vice President Leni Robredo and former President Diosdado Macapagal / photo file from OVP and Google

Vice President Leni Robredo stressed that there is no politics involved in her frequent visits to far provinces after Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon likened her to former Vice President Diosdado Macapagal who later became the ninth leader of the nation.

During the Senate Finance Committee hearing on the Office of the Vice President's proposed budget for 2020, Drilon said Robredo’s current situation reminded him of Macapagal’s life.

Drilon noted that Like Robredo, Macapagal also did not hold ‘any position’ during his time as vice president of former President Carlos Garcia.

“President Carlos Garcia did not give Diosdado Macapagal any work and therefore what Diosdado Macapagal did for the six or four years that he was in office was to go around the country, helping the needy. ” the senator explained

“Consequently, Macapagal won the presidency. Whether or not there is a parallel to that, I’m just stating facts” he added

Robredo, on the other hand, downplayed the similarity, noting that she’s not doing her job because she wants to become president.

“Siguro similar kami [ni Macapagal] in the sense na pareho kaming walang Cabinet post. Pero yung kaibahan yung mga areas kung saan ako nagpupunta sobrang lalayo, mahirap puntahan, at konti ang tao,” Robredo told reporters after the hearing.

“So kung pulitika ang iisipin ko dapat wala ako dun, dapat ‘yung mga programa namin nandun lang sa heavily populated areas kasi dun ako makakakuha ng boto. Sa tingin ko, makakasama sa programs namin na isipin ko na ang 2022 kasi kung iisipin ko ang 2022 hindi na ako pupunta sa mga areas na malayo tapos hindi heavily populated areas,” she added.

When asked if she would consider following the path of Macapagal to presidency, Robredo said she’s not planning to run for a higher position in 2022 as she also doesn’t want to get distracted on carrying out her anti-poverty projects.

“Mahirap na planuhin siya kasi kapag pinlano siya, parang iyong lahat na ginagawa ko, ang iniisip ko na iyong saan ba ako makakakuha ng maraming boto… Kontra siya sa mga ginagawa namin kasi talagang iyong mga pinupuntahan namin na mga lugar, hindi siya vote-rich,” she said.

The Office of the Vice President's proposed P673 million budget for 2020 also got approved.

 Source: Inquirer, Politiko

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